The people in the bar are all having a good time when a man covered in blood enters through the door. He tells everyone that they are in big trouble, but no one really heeds his warning until he exposes the head of a vicious looking monster. He is promptly decapitated by one of the monsters, and the young girl known only as "Honey Pie" is showered from head to toe in blood.
Following this, a woman bursts through the door and is revealed to be the recently deceased man's wife. After a brief sentimental moment between the wife and her late husband, they begin boarding up the windows in the bar, which then results in the military guy getting killed. A smaller monster than the ones previously seen bursts through the uncovered window and begins incapacitating the various people inside the bar, starting with the woman named "Harley Mom", who has one of her legs sawed off at the knee. It is wrongly assumed she then dies from massive blood loss (she is used as bait later, despite actually being alive).
After she is taken out, the monster disappears, only for it to be found humping one of the deer heads nailed to the wall. A shotgun blast promptly removes the deer head and monster from the wall and the monster then drops into a refrigerator, which is then sealed shut, trapping the monster inside it.
Following this, most of the windows are boarded up and the bar patrons are given a moment of peace. The only phone however, has been hit by a stray shotgun blast, and is rendered useless. After a short breather, the woman known as "Tuffy" suddenly realizes that while most people are presumably safe downstairs, her son is still upstairs, and she bolts upstairs to get him.
The kid is quickly found, and all rejoice, until the boy is pulled through the window and eaten by one of the monsters, leaving only his sneakers behind. Tuffy is now incapacitated by grief, and the monster then vomits a stream of slime at "Beer Guy", who is hit, and falls over, and is then hit again as he attempts to stand up. As the remaining people regroup downstairs, it is revealed that the slime has a decomposing effect and "Beer Guy" is slowly overcome by its effects.
Meanwhile, "Honey Pie" begins washing off the blood and has to take off her clothes, much to the amusement of "Hot Wheels" and "Bozo". Following this is an attempt to scare off the monsters by killing what is now revealed to be a baby monster and hanging it outside. The monsters quickly have sex and produce two offspring in a matter of seconds. They begin to attack the pub with renewed fury.
After many attacks and ultimately, a fight to the death between the last remaining humans and monsters, only 4 people survive: "Tuffy/Heroine 2", "Hot Wheels", "Bozo" and apparently "Honey Pie" (who actually escapes in a beer truck without picking up the remaining people). "Grandma" seems to survive but in the last second is seen being attacked by one of the remaining monsters.