Black Ribbon 2007 DVDRip.XviD DOMiNO
Black Ribbon revolves around the life of prominent writer Ken Richardson, who decides to move to the country with his wife Beth in order to live in a serene environment while working on his new novel. One of his enjoyments is collecting various antique toys and artifacts through on line auctions and one day he purchases the ultimate possession. Through an Internet auction he suddenly becomes the owner of a unique typewriter dating back to the mid 1800's. It is actually the only one of its kind in existence. Unfortunately Kenneth Richardson is doomed from the moment he receives this rare and unusual machine. Subsequently his life will change forever as the typewriter is haunted and begins to gradually transform Kenneth into a maniacal and evil individual, who is capable of committing the most horrifying crimes imaginable. The typewriter's original and sole owner was Jeffrey Blackwood, who was a Sadist and Satan worshiper. He abducted women and incarcerated them, and confined them in chains, and shackles. The victims were brutally tortured until death. Eventually Jeffrey Blackwood was discovered and hanged by the town people. Consequently Kenneth Richardson has assumed the persona of Jeffrey Blackwood, and has become just as evil. He is determined through many heinous rituals of resurrecting Satan. Nothing or No one can stop this mad man from this fateful journey. Written by Tony Rugnetta
Kenneth Richardson is a tormented writer, possessed, affected by a haunted machine. His wife Beth has a volatile relationship with him resulting from the haunted typewriter that has consumed Kenneth's life. Joey is a mentally challenged man with the mind of an eight year old, befriended by Kenneth. Nana is Joey's mother and protector. Jennifer Gesner is a Goth chick, who aligns herself with Kenneth to achieve the most horrifying ritual of Satan worship. Isabella Conti becomes the housekeeper for Ken and Beth, an innocent young lady caught in the web of horror and terror as Ken's life dramatically transforms into a life of misery. Ted Richardson is the father of Ken. Written by John Orrichio